
To help research teams assess the performance of their trials, the OCR provides semi-annual accrual reports. The accrual ratios provided in these reports are based on the Common Metrics Initiative—part of the Clinical Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program that standardizes the way efficiency is measured. These accrual ratios provide the ability to measure the progress of individual trials as well as performance across the entire enterprise.The Accrual Ratio metric is calculated using the accrual goal for the study (RC Total Accrual Goal, lower) and the estimated study duration (Accrual Duration, months) in OnCore, which is then converted into a percentage. The interpretation of the metric is straightforward.

Key pieces of information, which are all part of the required minimum footprint in OnCore, are essential to create the accrual reports and calculate the Accrual Ratio. Proper accrual ratios rely on these data points:

  • Estimated study duration time: Accrual duration (Months)
  • Target accrual (lower): RC Total Accrual Goal (Lower)

Accrual Reports

The following reports are created semi-annually from data in OnCore as of January 1st and July 1st.

This is a summary of the research portfolio across the enterprise with the number and type of active studies and the number of subjects accrued into those studies. This report is sent to senior leadership within the IU School of Medicine and IU Health to allow leaders to monitor progress toward organizational research goals, see trends in performance and recognize strengths and weaknesses.

These reports are created for each individual department and select management groups and contain accrual information for each active study, including the estimated duration of the study, target accrual, actual accrual achieved and accrual ratio (CTSA accrual metric). These reports are also created for studies that are funded through a federal source.

These reports are created for each individual department and select management groups. They identify studies that are listed as Open to Accrual in OnCore but have enrolled no subjects in the previous 12 months. The aim is to alert the study teams to studies that are either potentially underperforming or require updating in the CRMS.

Accrual Ratio Metrics FAQs

Why are we collecting this metric?

We are collecting accrual data to enhance our ability to develop performance improvements that increase planned subject accrual into clinical studies.

Who will receive reports of the metrics?

Reports will be sent to IU and IU Health senior leadership as well as NIH.

What is the source of the data?

Data will be collected from OnCore for all studies open to accrual during a specified timeframe, typically quarterly or annually. Data will be reported at the individual study level, in aggregate at a departmental/division level, and at the enterprise level.

What data will be collected for each study?

The following data will be reported from OnCore for each study:

    • Number of subjects accrued
    • Number of subjects targeted for accrual
    • Number of days elapsed since the study was opened to enrollment or number of days the study was actually open.
    • Number of days the study is estimated to enroll subjects
Where can I find information to complete the Accrual Duration (Months) field in OnCore?
    • Check the protocol for enrollment timeline
    • Determine if enrollment for the protocol has just begun or will IU/IUH begin enrolling midway through the enrollment timeline
    • Take into consideration where enrollment is at in real time    
    • Consider the time it will take to reach the RC Total Accrual Goal (Lower) field in OnCore
The minimum standardized required fields differ for IU Statewide Affiliate Institutions and the Indiana University Enterprise. What fields should be used in order for Statewide Affiliate studies to appear on the accrual metric report?
    • Along with Affiliate Accrual Goal, the RC Total Accrual Goal (Lower) should be entered. The RC Total Accrual (Lower) goal may be duplicated from the Affiliate Accrual Goal.
    • See Question below: What standard fields are required to be completed in OnCore?
What standard fields are required to be completed in OnCore?

Protocol No.
The unique identifier for the protocol. It should be formatted as follows: Acronym for Primary Management Group-Sponsor-PI-Short Title for study (i.e. GI-ROCHE-EINHORN-BETA)

The full-length Title as listed on the protocol document.

Principal Investigator
The Principal Investigator is the PI of record at the IRB.

Department identifies the department or division associated with the principal investigator of record at the IRB.

DT4 Report Type (Cancer Center Only)
DT4 Report Type may be Ancillary or Correlative, Interventional, Observational or Not Applicable. Refer to definitions on the IUSCC intranet site for more details.

Protocol Type (Cancer Center Only)
For Cancer Center studies Protocol Type may vary based on Interventional or non-Interventional protocols. Refer to definitions on the IUSCC intranet site for more details.

Protocol Type (non- Cancer Center)
Protocol Type may be Interventional, Observational or Expanded Access. Refer to definitions for the Minimum Standardized Requirements for Protocol Entry found on the OnCore Training & Support page. Protocol Type should match the Study Type listed in

Open to Accrual Date
Open to Accrual Date is the date on which the institution is open to accrual/enrollment. This means all required reviews are complete, sponsor authorization obtained, and the research group is fully prepared to begin seeing patients. This date may be on or after the IRB Initial Approval Date.

Accrual Duration (Months)*
Accrual Duration (Months) estimates the number of months you plan to locally enroll patients or participants on the study. This may not be the accrual duration listed within the protocol document.

RC Total Accrual (Lower)*
RC Total Accrual Goal (Lower) estimates the minimum number of subjects you plan to enroll locally. The RC Total Accrual Goal (Upper) data can be duplicated in this field. NOTE: Studies that have “open enrollment” where there is no set accrual goal, the RC Total Accrual Goal (Lower) field must be updated quarterly.

*Can be updated as needed to match the current status of the study.

How will the accrual data be collected?
    • The number of subjects accrued can be based on either individual subject registrations or summary accruals.

        • Summary Accrual Info Only? Protocols must have accrual numbers entered quarterly (i.e. January 1-March 31, April 1-June 30, July 1-September 30, October 1-December 31)
        • Studies with individual patient registration must ensure all enrolled subjects have an On Study Date in order for the numbers to count.

    • Summary Accrual data may not be on the report based on the time the report is generated (i.e. reports run on May 31st will not include 2nd quarter accruals).
How is Accrual Ratio calculated?

This metric is the ratio of the following 2 percentages:

    • Accrual Percentage (the actual number of subjects enrolled divided by the number of subjects targeted by the completion of the trial, multiplied by 100 to get a percentage)
    • Percent of Accrual Period to Date (the actual number of days elapsed since the study opened to enrollment divided by the expected number of days the study will be open to enrollment, multiplied by 100 to get a percentage).

**Accrual Ratio = Accrual Percentage/Percent of Accrual Period to Date x 100

How is Accrual Ratio interpreted?

By looking at Accrual Ratio, we can determined if accrual is ahead of or behind schedule. An Accrual Ratio below 100 would infer you were behind schedule, while an Accrual Ratio greater than 100 would infer you were exceeding expectations.

Note that this calculation assumes a linear rate of accrual over the enrollment period. While accrual may not happen in a linear constant manner, this is viewed as a reasonable way to approximate the current accrual ratio for a study. An example of non- linear accrual may include trials with intermediate, planned holds on accrual for interim evaluation.

When will the data be collected?

Data will be collected quarterly, typically the first of each month following a quarter.

If IU is the lead institution of a multi-site study, what accrual should be included?

If IU is leading the multi-site study, accrual from all sites should be included. Accrual numbers should be listed under the appropriate enrollment sites within OnCore.

If IU is not the lead institution of a multi-site study, what accrual should be included?

If IU is only participating in the multi-site study, only accrual from IU and its local affiliates should be included.

If IU is the lead institution for a study and they use sub-contractors for recruiting, what accrual should be included?

All accrual should be entered and assigned to the appropriate enrollment sites within OnCore.

Who should I contact for additional training or for more information?

If your research team requires additional training on the entry of accrual data into OnCore – please contact us at to attend an upcoming training session. If you have questions regarding the accrual metric, please contact the Office of Clinical Research at